Google Maps:
Search for “Silent Retreat Center Assisi“
Please note that our Center does not have a street address, “Pian della Pieve” on Google Maps is an area, not a street.
Set your GPS to:
Parking “Matteotti”, Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 06081 Assisi
Your cell phone and its GPS will not have coverage beyond this point, follow the guidelines as written on this page.
From the valley (coming from Perugia, Foligno or Assisi trainstation) take the road (there´s only one) that climbs up to Assisi.
Follow the road signs direction Gualdo Tadino (but you will not end there, as it´s 35 km from Assisi)
At Assisi´s highest point you will pass by the parking lot ”Matteotti” and leave the city through the city gate ”Porta Perlici”.
Set your car´s odometer to kilometer zero.
Km 0,0: Take the road direction Gualdo Tadino
Km 0,6: do not turn right to Costa di Trex, drive straight forward
Km 4,0: at Ponte Grande pass by restaurant Giovanino on your left side
Km 5,2: housing complex with big sign ”Carpe Diem” on your left. The road takes a sharp curve to the right, you see garbage containers on your right and then the main road swings to the left (see picture below).
! There you take the gravel road (looks more like a private road to the houses on the right). see inserted foto
Then the gravel road climbs up approx. 2 kilometer, gets worse but never too dramatic for a normal car to cope with and at
Km 7,5: a sharp left curve – then the road goes down again.
Km 8,2: Welcome!
By Taxi:
If you for some reason need to take a taxi to our place you´ll have to guide the driver as our house does not have a specific address. Ask the driver to go to the well known ”Carpe Diem” houses (the red ! on the map) some 300 meters after the restaurant ”Giovannino” at Ponte Grande on the road to Gualdo Tadino. Do not mention ”Silent Retreat Center” as there are different retreat centers around Assisi.