The Spirit of Assisi
Assisi embraces all Spiritual Seekers
Eight centuries ago Saint Francis and Saint Clare
laid the foundation for the “Spirit of Assisi”,
an energyfield which more than ever is vibrant and alive.
The Spirit of Assisi
800 years ago Saint Francis of Assisi found himself immersed in The Divine Light…
He described this experience as The Christ Energy descending over him. From then on, his life changed forever in such a powerful way, that it inspired thousands during his lifetime and millions later on…
He traveled all over Europe to spread his message of Love, Devotion and Simplicity – even risked his life when he visited during the height of the Crusades (the bitter religious war between Muslims and Christians) the sultan of Egypt in an attempt to negotiate peace.
Saint Francis´ mission inspired the Catholic Church in 1986 to invite leaders of world religions to Assisi for a day of prayer for peace.
The meeting that went under the name “The Spirit of Assisi” had not the form of a conference on religions, but of something extremely simple: a meeting of believers of different faiths, putting the power of prayer first around an invocation for peace.
We – that don´t belong to any religion – can therefor feel us welcomed and embraced by that Spirit here in Assisi…
Saint Clare (Chiara) was Francesco´s Soul Sister. She choose to follow in his footsteps and was ordained by him as a nun. She then founded the order of Clarisses who live in enclosure, mostly in silence and gather for prayer several times a day.
For us, the presence of St. Clare here in Assisi is as important as Francesco´s. He was an expression of the outgoing and expanding male energy, whereas she radiated the silent inward female energy…
Both energies are tangible here and fill our heart with Silent Joy…
Saint Francis of Assisi
Osho´s talk on Saint Francis illustrates the joy and lightness of the energyfield here in Assisi.
The Sacred Sites of Assisi
During the Silent Retreats we offer guided visits to the Sacred Sites of Assisi.